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Lynda Shelhamer ~ Colorado Springs, Colorado

Lynda is a mother of 3 beautiful children and gradmother to Alyssa age 10..All her kids have that has been on JP+ most their lives and the later has never missed a day of school! (Alyssa loves making Spinach Shakes,icup OJ , 1cup spinach and 1 scp Vanilla complete and serving them at Grandma’s Wellness Presentations !)

Lynda’s previous career as an RN included midwifery,hospice, emergency room and mission work . When asked as a little girl what she wanted to be when she grew up Lynda” would always say, A Missionary Nurse, “I knew as a young child I wanted to heal not just the people around me but THE WORLD! JP+ mission was in totalalignment with that dream!” She is an NMD and 24 clubber which she credits to The Lord, her Team, hardwork and gratitiude!

Her Team is aptly named Team Spirit and reflects that in the many facets of the word. Lynda’s hobbies include traveling and making things grow. This business has given the opportunity to do both beyond all expectations! Lynda lives in Manitou Springs,CO with John, the love of her life for 37 years.

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